Jaci Salley | Certified Nutrition Therapy Practitioner

The Secret to Lasting Family Health: Personalization at the Cellular Level 

When it comes to family health, the quest for the right diet can often feel like an endless trial and error. Many families bounce from one generic diet to another, only to find their health and...

Elevate Your Well-being: The Hidden Power of Brain Health and Testing.

In the quest for a healthier, more vibrant life, we often focus on diets, exercise, and other physical aspects of well-being. But there’s a vital element that tends to remain in the shadows...

Exploring Ozempic for Weight Loss, Are there long term side effects?

While Ozempic (semaglutide) has shown promise as a weight loss aid, it’s essential to be aware of potential long-term negative effects associated with its use for weight management. Keep in mind...

The Hidden Culprit: How Inflammation Impacts Weight and Overall Health

Inflammation, often considered the body’s natural response to injury or infection, is a vital process for our survival. However, when inflammation becomes chronic and systemic, it can wreak...

Maximizing Performance as a Paleo Athlete: Unleashing Your Inner Caveman

In recent years, the Paleo diet has gained significant popularity among athletes and fitness enthusiasts looking to optimize their performance and overall health. Inspired by the eating habits of our...

Breakfast foods that stabilize our blood sugar

When it comes to controlling blood sugar levels, it’s important to focus on avoiding refined carbohydrates, choose foods high in fiber, and balanced with protein and healthy fats. Here are some...

Fuel Your Training and Achieve Peak Athletic Performance with Proper Nutrition

As an athlete, you know that proper nutrition is essential for achieving peak performance. While intense training and conditioning are foundational to success, they must be paired with the right diet...

Parasites and Leaky Gut

Parasites are organisms that live on or inside another organism (called a host) and derive nutrients and other benefits from it. In humans, parasites can live in the intestines, blood, liver, and...